Configuration Parameters¶
Config parameters are grouped into sections and needed by the framework to function properly. In the following, we provide brief explanations for the existing parameters and their values
- name - framework name, mainly used for logging
- numCores (int) - number of available cores that can be used for parallel running of gene selectors
- homePath - contains the path to the framework
- inputDir - the path to the directory where all input data is located
- intermediateDir - where to put intermediate results (recommended not to changed)
- externalKbDir - where to put intermediate query results from knowledge bases (recommended not to changed)
- resultsDir - where to put the final results (recommended not to changed)
- preprocessing - where to put preprocessed data sets (recommended not to changed)
- crossVal_preprocessing - where to put preprocessed data sets for cross-validation (recommended not to changed)
- outputDir_name - name of the overall output directory. If that directory already exists, Comprior adds numbering.
- log_filename - name of the log file to which processing information, warnings, etc. are written
- code - path to R source files (recommended not to changed)
- RscriptLocation - path to Rscript
- code - path to Java jar files (recommended not to changed)
- JavaLocation - path to Java
- input - path to expression dataset
- metadata - path to metadata file for expression dataset
- classLabelName - specify the metadata column name of the label to use for classification (=keywords that will also be used for search in knowledge bases)
- alternativeSearchTerms - specify alternative search terms that will be used by knowledge bases. Separate search terms by spaces and replace spaces within a search term with _, e.g. “Breast Cancer Kidney_Cancer” will be parsed to the following search terms:”Breast”, “Cancer”, “Kidney Cancer”
- genesInColumns (true/false) - specify if genes are in the columns so that the data can be transformed automatically
- metadataIDsInColumns (true/false) - specify if sample IDs in the metadata file are in the columns
- dataSeparator (sep) - specify file separator (must be the same for metadata and gene expression), e.g. ,, t
- currentGeneIDFormat - specify the current gene ID format with g:Convert IDs, e.g. ENTREZGENE, ENSG, AFFY_HG_U133_PLUS_2, HGNC (see
- finalGeneIDFormat - specify the gene ID format with g:Convert IDs you want to have in your gene rankings, e.g. HGNC (see
- filterMissingsInGenes (true/false) - filter genes that have a higher percentage of missing fields than specified in treshold parameter
- filterMissingsInSamples (true/false) - filter samples that have a higher percentage of missing fields than specified in the treshold parameter
- threshold ([0..100]) - percentage used for filtering
Gene Selection - General¶
- outputDirectory - where the final gene rankings are stored (recommended not to changed)
- selectKgenes (int) - maximum number of genes to select (to reduce runtimes). Must be >= topKmax param in Evaluation.
Gene Selection - Methods¶
traditional_methods - select multiple traditional gene selection methods (separated by spaces):
- filter: Random, InfoGain, ReliefF, VB-FS (R-based variance selection), ANOVA, mRMR, Variance (Python-based variance selection)
- wrapper: SVMpRFE (SVM-RFE with polykernel), x-SFS, x-RFE (x = add the desired classifier: K-nearest Neighbor (KNN3, KNN5), Naive Bayes (NB), Linear Regression (LR), Support Vector Machines with linear kernel (SVMl))
- embedded: RandomForest, Lasso
modifying_methods - combine knowledge base with traditional approach from above. Currently implemented:
- Postfilter_trad_kb: Filter the features selected by traditional approach (trad) by the features/genes retrieved from knowledge base (kb)
- Prefilter_trad_kb: Filter the input features by the genes retrieved from the knowledge base (kb) first and forward this reduced input set to the traditional approach (trad) for feature selection
- Extension_trad_kb: Extends features selected by traditional approach (trad) by features/genes retrieved from knowledge base (kb). Traditionally selected features and external features/genes make up 50% of top k features, respectively (so if topKmax param is 2, 1 feature from traditional approach, 1 feature from external will be selected)
- KBonly_kb: Only use the scores from the knowledge base to rank features, setting a default score of 0.000001.
combining_methods - select combining methods to apply. Combining methods should combine a traditional approach (trad) with a knowledge base (kb), the prefix indicates the actual combining strategy. Currently implemented:
- Weighted_trad_kb: weights the score from traditional approach trad by the score retrieved from knowledge base kb)
- LassoPenalty_kb: includes external knowledge via Lasso penalty as described by Zeng et al.: “Incorporating prior knowledge into regularized regression”
network_methods - select network approaches to apply. Currently implemented:
- NetworkActivity_kb: retrieves pathway from knowledge base kb, ranks them via average of (ANOVA of gene expression value/sample class) for every gene in pathway, and creates an activity score as new feature value for the pathway for every sample (= average of (gene expression value x variance x average of (Pearson correlation with network neighbors))) for all genes in the pathway)
- CorgsNetworkActivity_kb: retrieves pathway from knowledge base kb, ranks them via average of (ANOVA of gene expression value/sample class) for every gene in pathway, and creates an activity score as new feature value for the pathway for every sample as described by Lee et al.: “Inferring Pathway Activity toward Precise Disease Classification”
topKmin (int) - minimum number of features to select
topKmax (int) - maximum number of features to select
kfold (int) - k parameter for k-fold cross-validation during classification
results - where to put the results (recommended not to changed)
reducedDataset - where to put the reduced data sets (with k features) (recommended not to changed)
preanalysis - where to put plots created during preanalysis
preanalysis_plots - create plots on input data before any analysis. Currently implemented:
- density: density plot showing the average density distribution of expression values (per class)
- box: box plot showing the average gene expression (per class)
- mds: multidimensional scaling plot showing dis-/similarities between samples
evaluateKBcoverage (true/false) - create diagrams showing coverage of search terms in the used knowledge bases
robustnessResults - where to put the cross-validation results (recommended not to changed)
enableCrossEvaluation (true/false) - whether to use a second data set for cross-validation
crossEvaluationData - path to second data set for cross-validation (must have genes in columns and be already labeled)
crossEvaluationClassLabel - column name of second data set for cross-validation containing the class label
crossEvaluationGeneIDFormat - current g:Convert gene ID format of the second data set for cross-validation (see
enableClassification (true/false) - use classification algorithms for evaluation
enablePrediction (true/false) - use predictive algorithms for evaluation (functionality not implemented yet)
results - where to put the actual rankings (recommended not to change)
metricsDir - where to put the metric results (recommended not to change)
annotationsDir - where to put the annotation information(recommended not to change)
metrics - specify which evaluation metrics to apply/compare on feature rankings. Currently provided:
- top_k_overlap: overlap of top k features of rankings
- kendall_w: Kendall’s W ranking comparison
- fleiss_kappa: Fleiss’ Kappa ranking comparison
- annotation_overlap: shows gene annotation overlap in rankings (e.g. which annotated genes where found jointly by all rankings)
- enrichment_overlap: shows enrichment term overlap of rankings (e.g. which enrichment terms where found jointly by all rankings)
- annotation_percentage: compares average p
- average_foldchange: compares average fold change of genes in rankings
classifiers - specify classifiers to use for classsification task. Currently provided:
- KNN(int): K-nearest Neighbor, e.g. KNN3
- NB: Naive Bayes
- LR: Linear Regression
- SMO: Support Vector Machines
- RF: Random Forest
metrics - specify which evaluation metrics to apply on classification results. Currently provided:
- accuracy
- sensitivity
- specificity
- F1
- kappa
- precision
- matthewcoef: Matthews Correlation Coefficient
results - where to put the classification results (recommended not to change)
crossEvaluationDir - where to put classification results from cross-validation (recommended not to change)
metricsDir - where to put the evaluation results (recommended not to change)
Prediction (not implemented yet)¶
- predictors - specify predictors to use for prediction task (still under construction)
- metrics - specify which evaluation metrics to apply on prediction results (still under construction)
- results - where to put the classification results (recommended not to change)
- crossEvaluationDir - where to put classification results from cross-validation (recommended not to change)
- metricsDir - where to put the evaluation results (recommended not to change)
- webservice_uri - URL of Enrichr web service (recommended not to change)
- outputDir - output directory for intermediate results from web service (recommended not to change)
- geneSetLibrary - gene set library to use for annotation/enrichment. Choose any available at
- outputDir - output directory for intermediate results from web service (recommended not to change)
- outputDir - output directory for intermediate results from web service (recommended not to change)
- maxNumPathways (int) - specify the maximum number of pathways to retrieve per search term (for performance reasons)
UMLS (needed to transform search terms into CUIs for using DisGeNET)¶
- login_uri - URL of login web service (recommended not to change)
- loginservice_uri - URL of login web service (recommended not to change)
- auth_endpoint - authentication endpoint for API (recommended not to change)
- apikey - API key for accessing UMLS (recommended not to change unless own API key available, register for free at UMLS to create an own key)
- webservice_uri - URL of UMLS web service (recommended not to change)
- associationScore (score/gene_dsi/gene_dpi) - which association score to use for knowledge retrieval: score (overall score), gene_dsi (disease specificity), gene_dpi (disease pleiotropy)
- webservice_url - URL of DisGeNET web service (recommended not to change)
- outputDir - output directory for intermediate results from web service (recommended not to change)
- apikey - API key for accessing DisGeNET (recommended not to change unless own API key is available, register at DisGeNET to create your own key)
- webservice_url - URL of PathwayCommons web service (recommended not to change)
- outputDir - output directory for intermediate results from web service (recommended not to change)
- maxNumPathways (int) - specify the maximum number of pathways to retrieve per search term (for performance reasons)
- outputDir - output directory for intermediate results from web service (recommended not to change)
- webservice_url - URL of g:Convert web service (recommended not to change)
- outputDir - output directory for intermediate results from web service (recommended not to change)